Q: Do I need an appointment?

A: No, We work on a first come, first served basis. Walk-ins are always welcome.


Q: I'm under 18, can my parents sign for me to get a tattoo?

A: Illinois state law requires everyone to be 18 or older to get a tattoo. So we can not do any tattoos on a minor.


Q: I'm under 18, can my parents sign for me to get a piercing?

A: Yes, We can do most body piercings at 13 with a legal guardian's consent. Oral piercings can be done at 16 with consent of a legal guardian. There are a few things that you would need to bring with you at the time.


Q: I'm under 18, and my parents are going to sign for me to get a piercing. What do I need to bring with me?

A: Great question, We would need a photo ID from the minor, and a photo ID from the legal guardian. We would also need a Birth Certificate from the minor.


Q: I don't have a photo ID but I have a picture of it on my phone. Can I use that?

A: No, We need to have the physical ID to photocopy on your paperwork at the time.


Q: I don't have an ID but I have tattoos, will that work?

A: ..... No


Q: I live with my Mother's brother's Uncle's neighbor's dog's veteranarian. Can he sign for me to get a piercing?

A: The legal guardian must be your LEGAL GUARDIAN. If it is not your birth parents that are on your birth certificate, Then we would also need the court documents stating guardianship.


Q: I just got a tattoo from you and I don't remember how to take care of it. What do I do?

A: If we tattooed you, then head over to our TATTOO AFTERCARE page and read up on it.


Q: I just got pierced by you guys and I don't remember how to take care of it. What do I do?

A: If we pierced you, then head over to our PIERCING AFTERCARE page and read up on it.


Q: How much do you charge for tattoos?

A: Without seeing it, we really can't say. If you came in and showed us the design, then we would be happy to price it for you. But without seeing exact size and placement then it's almost impossible for us to say.